The Journal of San Diego History
Summer 1976, Volume 22, Number 3
James E. Moss, Editor
Page 1. Odd Fellows posed in front of Horton’s Hall, July 4, 1876
Page 3. Horton House c. 1878
Page 4-5. San Diego Silver Cornet Band
Page 6. Methodist Church (center) on the corner of 4th and D Streets where religious services were held.
Page 7. Bertie Bush who played Miss Liberty in ceremonies at the pavilion.
Page 7. Float of the U.S. Signal Service. Left to right: Mssrs. Speed, Kelly, Blythe, Patton, Wells, Howgate, and DuSouchet
Page 8. “City Father” William Augustus Begole standing in front of his tin shop on Fifth Street
Page 8. Looking west toward the corner of 2nd and D streets where the parade turned south, in front of the Fashion Livery Stable, to the Pavilion
Page 9. San Diego Harmonie Cornet Band
Page 11. Dr. Lewis Carstairs Gunn, President of the Day
Page 12. View looking southeast from the Court House roof showing the back side of the pavilion at center
Page 14. Philip Morse, Poet of the day
Page 15. Douglas Gunn, Editor, San Diego Union, Historian of the Day
Page 16. The San Diego Court House where the Centennial Tree was planted
Page 18. [Horton House ad]
Page 19. Menu of the day for Centennial Dinner at the Horton House