The Journal of San Diego History
Summer 1983, Volume 29, Number 3
Thomas L. Scharf, Editor
Raymond Starr, Book Review Editor
Mission on the Highway: A Documentary History of San Miguel, Arcangel [sic] Compiled and Edited by Francis J. Weber. Hong Kong: Libra Press Limited, [1982]. $16.00.
Mission on the Highway is the twelfth in Francis J. Weber’s series on the California missions. Like the other volumes, it features a series of selections (55 in this case) drawn from some primary sources and many more from modern secondary sources. This volume even includes poetry! The selections relate to the mission’s development from the 1795 search for a site to very recent times, and are heavily descriptive. The volume is not indexed, nor is there a bibliography. The plans for the series include a final volume which will have a cumulative index, and provide bibliography for all the missions.