The Journal of San Diego History
Winter 1984, Volume 30, Number 1
Thomas L. Scharf, Managing Editor

Book Notes

Raymond Starr, Book Review Editor

Letters of a Woman Homesteader. By Elinore Pruitt Stewart. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Reprint Edition. 1982. Illustrations. 282 Pages. $6.25 Paper.

In 1909 a young widow and her daughter moved to Wyoming to become a frontier housekeeper, laundress and homesteader. An extensive series of letters describing her experiences was published by the Atlantic Monthly in 1913 with original illustrations by N. C. Wyeth. Houghton Mifflin has reprinted the letters and drawings without change. The book comes at a time when there is increased interest in everyday life of women, and will be welcomed as a historical document as well as a captivating account of life under very difficult circumstances.