The Journal of San Diego History
Fall 1989, Volume 35, Number 4
Thomas L. Scharf, Editor
Original Articles
- “The Adobe is My Birthstone;” Leo Carillo’s Rancho de las Quiotes.
- By Dale Ballou May.
- The Most Critical Option: Sex Offenses and Castration in San Diego, 1938-1975.
- By Mark Linsky
- The Cold War and Harry Steinmetz: A Case of Loyalty and Legislation.
- By Paul J. Eisloeffel
Book Reviews
- Indian Survival on the California Frontier.
- By Albert Hurtado. Reviewed by Robert H. jackson.
- Pushed Into the Rocks: Southern California Indian Land Tenure, 1769-1986.
- By Florence Connolly Shipek. Reviewed by Linda S. Parker.
- La Jolla: The Story of a Community, 1887-1987.
- By Patricia A. Schaelchlin. Reviewed by Raymond Starr.
Book Notes
- California Conquered: The Annexation of a Mexican Province, 1846-1850.
- By Neal Harlow.
- Our Home Forever: The Hupa Indians of Northern California.
- By Byron Nelson, Jr.
- Doomed to Fail: Gaspar de Portola’s First California Appointees.
- By Harry W. Crosby.
- Descanso: “Place of Rest”.
- By The Historical Committee of the Friends of the Descanso Library.
- Manuscript for a New History of Mission San Antonio de Padua: Part One — The Mission Period 1771 to 1835.
- By Leo C. Sprietsmo.
- Travels in Mexico and California.
- By A.B. Clarke. Edited by Anne M. Perry.
- Transit, Land Use & Urban Form.
- Edited by Wayne Attoe.
- Gunpowder and Canvas.
- By Justin M. Ruhge.
- The WPA Guide to 1930s Arizona.
- Compiled by the Workers of the Writers Programs of the Works Project Administration.
- The California Community of the Book: A Director of selected Organizations and Programs.
- Compiled by Laurie R. Serikaku. Edited by William H.Fisher.
- Old California: The Missions, Ranchos, and Romantic Adobes.
- By Bret Shipman.
- The Railroad Stations of San Diego County: Then and Now.
- By James N. Price.
- Manifest Destiny in the Mines: A Cultural Interpretation of Anti-Mexican Nativism in California, 1848-1853.
- By Richard H. Peterson.
- Del Mar: Its Life & Good Times.
- By William Murray.
- Pacific Visions: California Scientists and the Environment, 1850-1915.
- By Michael L. Smith.