The Journal of San Diego History
Summer 1993, Volume 39, Number 3
Richard W. Crawford, Editor
Cover image
Page 170.
Colonel Francis W. Parker
Page 170. “That nation shall endure forever whose people have entered the paths of self control and world-wide sympathy.”
Page 172.
Clara Sturges Johnson
Page 172.
William Templeton Johnson
Page 173.
Adele M. Outcalt,
principal of Francis Parker School 1913-20.
Page 174.
Francis Parker School, 1913.
Page 175.
Kindergarten class in 1930.
Page 176.
Dedication exercises, 1913.
Page 178.
Ethel “Happy” Dummer Mintzer.
Page 179.
Domestic Science Class, 1915.
Page 180.
The Library.
Greek dance, 1934.
Christmas Tableau.
Page 181.
Maypole dance.
Class in courtyard.
Football in Mission Valley.
Page 184.
Spanish pageant in 1920.
Page 186.
Field trip with parental transportation.
Page 187.
Students published a newsletter in the Parker print shop.
Page 188.
Mr. Tahar (center) and children building pyramid.
Page 189.
The 1926 faculty.
Page 190.
The Incorporation Committee, 1932. Left to right: Dwight Bell, Alan LeMay, Armistead Carter, John O’Hair, Irene Thuli and Ethel “Happy” Mintzer.
Page 192.
St. Francis statue in school courtyard.
Page 196.
Top-Pet Day.
Middle-Rhythm band.
Bottom left-Folk dance.
Bottom right-A Comedy of Errors.
Page 197.
Top-High jumping practice.
Right-Mr. Swedelius’ woodshop class.
Below-Algebra class with Mr. Gray.