Biographical Files and Subject Files
The Biographical Files contain over 260 binders of newspaper clippings and other documents arranged alphabetically by last name. They are a historically rich starting point for research on thousands of past San Diego residents.
These files can only be accessed on site in the Research Archives.
See below for links to a selection of biographies on historic San Diego figures.
The Subject Files consist of more than 1,000 folders of newspaper clippings and other documents arranged alphabetically by over 1,200 subjects. Search for files on associations, businesses, neighborhoods, events, communities and more.
These files can only be accessed on site in the Research Archives.
See below for a link to the complete and current list of Subject File categories, as well as a selection of useful articles available online.
For more information: [email protected] or 619-232-6203 ext.117
Search our online catalog for archival collections, architectural drawings, books, ephemera files, maps, oral histories, scrapbooks, serials and unpublished manuscripts. Online Catalog
Jose Antonio Aguirre (c.1793-1860)
Frank P. Allen (1881-1943)
Jose Antonio Altamirano (1835-)
John Judson Ames (1821-1861)
Santiago Arguello (1791-1862)
Santiago E. Arguello (1813-1857)
Anni Von Westrum Baldaugh (1881-1953)
Juan Bandini (1800-1859)
Belle Baranceanu (1902-1988)
Joshua Bean
Frank Belcher (1905-1959)
Belle Jennings Benchley (1882-1973)
George Burnham (1868-1939)
Thomas Henry Bush (1831-1898)
Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo (c.1498-1543)
Jose Antonio Carrillo (1796-1862)
Jose Raimundo Carrillo (1749-1809)
Cassius Carter (1857-1909)
Andrew Cassidy
James S. Copley (1916-1973)
Cave Johnson Couts (1821-1874)
Philip Crosthwaite (1825-1903)
Richard Henry Dana (1815-1882)
William Heath Davis (1822-1909)
Jose Maria Echeandia ( -1871)
Jose Antonio Estudillo (1805-1852)
Jose Maria Estudillo ( -1830)
Bea Evenson (1900-1981)
Charles Merwin Fenn, MD (1835-1907)
Captain Henry D. Fitch (1798-1849)
Reuben H Fleet (1887-1975)
Colonel Ed Fletcher (1872-1955)
Charles Arthur Fries (1854-1940)
Carrie Gertrude Gilbert (1871-1947)
Irving J Gill (1870-1936)
Ulysses S. Grant Jr. (1852-1928)
Samuel Wood Hamill (1903-1989)
Dr. Edward Hardy (1868-1958)
Dr. David Bancroft Hoffman (c.1824-1888)
Donal Hord (1902-1966)
Alonzo Erastus Horton (1813-1909)
Lydia Knapp Horton (1843-1926)
William Jefferson Hunsaker (1855-1933)
Captain Robert D. Israel (1826-1907)
William Templeton Johnson (1877-1957)
William Kettner (1861-1930)
Alice Ellen Klauber (1871-1951)
Laurence Klauber (1883-1968)
Daniel Brown Kurtz (1819-1898)
Allen Light (c.1805-?)
Apolinaria Lorenzana
George Lyons
John Macready (1887-1979)
Joseph S. Manasse ( -1897)
Nino Marcelli (c.1890-1967)
Anna Lee Gunn Marston (1853-1940)
George White Marston (1850-1946)
James McCoy (1821- )
Father Antonio Menendez
Ephraim W. Morse (1823-1906)
Charles P. Noell (1812-1887)
Juan Maria Osuna
Don Miguel de Pedrorena ( -1850)
George Allan Pendleton (1823-1871)
Major General Joseph Henry Pendleton (1860-1942)
Jose Maria Pico ( -1819)
Pio Pico (1801-1894)
Dr. Peter Charles Remondino (1846-1926)
Roger Revelle (1909-1991)
Alfred Robinson
Judge James W. Robinson (1800-1857)
Margaret (Margot) King Rocle (1893-1981)
Louis Rose ( -1888)
Marcus Schiller (1823-1904)
Ellen Browning Scripps (1836-1932)
Alfred Seeley (1822-)
Jose Antonio Serrano
Kate Sessions (1857-1940)
Augusta Barrett Sherman (1839-1913)
Matthew Sherman (1827-1898)
Joshua Sloane (-1879)
John D. Spreckels (1853-1926)
Hon. Philip D. Swing (1884-1963)
George P. Tebbetts (1828-1909)
Katherine Tingley (1847-1929)
Father Antonio D. Ubach ( -1907)
Sebastian Vizcaíno
Mary Chase Walker (1828-1899)
Thomas Whaley (1823-1890)
Keno Wilson (1862-1934)
Thomas & Juana Wrightington